Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Goodbye Summer

Well school has started and Labor Day is this weekend. Goodbye summer. Hallie has been in school for over a week now. Her first note home came on day #4. What did she get in trouble for? Being bossy. No surprise there. :) Otherwise she has been doing great. She remembers what she did during the day a lot more this year than last. She is excited to go, but she is also exhausted at night! We told her on the second day she had to wear tennis shoes because she had PE and that way she could run around. Her response... "We get to run in class?!" Yes yes you do Hallie.

I was home with both kids today. I had put Corbin down in the center of the living room so I could get online to pay a bill quick. I did that, looked down, and Corbin was gone. I turned around and he was in the dining room trying to get to Hallie. <3

It is the end of August which means one month until Corbin's birthday party! I tried my best today to get a picture of him for his invitations. I am not a professional. Here are some of the funny facial expressions, beautiful smiles but blurry body, and just plain crazy photos I got. He is nearly impossible to get a good picture of on my phone because he is constantly moving!!

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