Monday, August 4, 2014


The weekend is over. Darn it. We had a blast this weekend. We worked hard, but also played hard. We made lots of good memories!

 We decided to start working on the landscaping of our house. We marked where we wanted the finished paved driveway to be. Hopefully that will be done this fall. We staked out where we want to deck to be so we can enter our house from the front finally. :) Next was figuring out where to put the sidewalk from the deck to the driveway. Let's just say my ideas were different from Jon's! In the end, we did compromise and made the best of both worlds. Turns out Jon is great with the initial big idea. I'm good with the details and making the adjustments needed to be a feasible idea! Teamwork!

Then we started the flower beds. Jon anticipated this as digging a hold, putting the plant on, and moving to the next hold. He was highly disappointed when I told him we had to lay landscaping fabric down, pin it, dig the hole, plant, feed, water, and then rock. We had bought 11 bags of rock to start with. I think we are going to need um... quite... okay a lot more rock!

The deck location..

We need more rock! 

 And we still have the entire South side to work on and get planted!

The kids were great! Hallie as an awesome big sister and took care of Corbin while we worked. She had a blanket and toys to help her. She made him sit and play. Then he would rest. She tried to feed him (didn't work!). They get along so well! I tried getting a picture of her, and this is what I got. She wasn't impressed nor did she want a picture taken!

To end the weekend, Hallie wanted to get the slip n slide out. Jon gave in. Apparently he was hot and decided it would be fun to try out. A grown adult going down a $5 kids slip n slide was honestly the most hilarious thing all weekend. Hallie was excited that her cousins came over and joined in the fun too. Sorry Todd and Jena if it made a mess :) I can help vacuum out the van! 

Here is a video for your viewing pleasure!

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