Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Theme Song

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it ."
- Psalm 118:24

This verse may be my "theme" for the year. Day by day. Be glad. Be thankful for the blessings we have been given. Remember that He has this all figured out for us. Trust that He will not lead us astray. We sing This is the Day frequently in church. I am holding myself accountable for a better attitude. This may be my theme song for getting through difficult times. When life has me down and my attitude sucks its hard to remember. While we are busy making goals for the kids to conquer, maybe we should look to ourselves and make goals too. Mine would be patience, understanding, and trust.

I can not believe it is August 12. Where has the summer gone? Hallie starts school next week! She is using her time wisely by not being home! :) She was gone Thurs night through Sunday. Home for two nights. Leaving again today for the State Fair with Grandma Deb and won't be home until Friday. We spent quality time last night. Jon was at the city council meeting, so we braided hair, painted nails and cuddled. It was fantastic! :) It was my first time french braiding her hair entirely. I didn't think I did too bad!

Corbin is doing fantastic. Continuing to get stronger. Our biggest accomplishments for the week have been holding his own bottle and eating table food. We are very excited. He is actually drinking his bottles better now that he has the control. Yes!! We started table food on Friday night, and it is going very well. Peas, carrots, yams, kiwi, banana, oatmeal, cottage cheese. He loves it! Next things we are going to try are green beans and scrambled eggs. We are very excited that he is doing so well with this transition! Here are few pictures of how happy is eat when he is in the high chair (he knows what comes next!!) We are in love with his smirks and smiles!

Holding his own sippy!!!! He hasn't gotten it figured out how to drink sitting up yet. But we are okay with that. We are just happy he will hold it and drink from it by himself. He HATED the sight of his sippy before let alone drinking from it!

He can stand briefly against the couch or the ottoman. He gets pretty excited because he is "big stuff"  now!

 Reading his book. He loved the tractor page... imagine that!

Oh did I mention Corbin has decided he doesn't like sleeping at night again? We think he is teething (look at the determination chewing that rag of his!). It looks like several of his upper teeth are coming through. Please hurry teeth... we want sleep!

 Oh Corbin...

If you are sick of pictures too bad. Here are a couple last ones. We opened the door to the pick up and found Corbin sitting like this. Make yourself comfy buddy its all yours! :)

First of many golf cart rides with Grandpa and Sissy. These are the memories that will last forever!

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