Tuesday, August 12, 2014


This sums up everything I believe. I have seen lots of people battle over the years. Some of them you can see the battle written all over their face. Others the battle is lodged deep inside. This is why it isn't always so easy to see what the other person is going through. Most people can put on a good face and continue their journey as planned.

Battles can be so different. For some maybe its mental illness that they struggle with daily. Robin Williams' death is a sincere reminder to all of us that mental illness can affect anyone. Just because someone has money or is famous doesn't hinder them from the same struggles you and I face. As a daughter of someone who struggled daily I can tell you how heartbreaking it is. For them life isn't valuable. They can't see the good in what they have. They are many times called selfish, but are they really? Could you imagine being trapped inside your own body? Could you imagine feeling like you literally have no other options? I truly believe severe mental illness is an incurable disease. Unfortunately for the people left behind like myself, it is hard to come to terms with. It is hard to accept that was their fate, and that you couldn't do anything to change it.

Everyone is fighting a battle whether you believe it or not. Stress, mental, emotional, fertility, growth, development, financial, marriage, divorce, abuse, relationships, etc. are just a handful. Hardships do not know sex, age, race, religion, or any other item that may set you apart. Never assume someone has a great life because "they are loaded" or "mommy and daddy gave them everything" or "they seem so perfect". It is all relative. What did they have to give up to get those things? Do you know the "real" them or just their appearance? Your versions of "perfect" and mine may be two very different things.

Last item on my soapbox agenda, and I'm done :) Be careful of what you say to people. Things for me are "Isn't he crawling yet?". No, he isn't. I don't owe you an explanation. Every kid is different. Remember how insensitive questions can be. Don't ask about specifics regarding a child. Instead say "What's new with____?" "How is he/she getting along?" "What fun things is he/she doing now?" Don't ask about family choices. "Aren't you ready for another?" "When is the next one?" "Why don't you have kids yet?" Questions about money/finances are off topic unless offered. Now I do understand there are exceptions. Family, close friends, people who know your circumstances and stories. Acquaintances, social friends, or making small talk needs to adhere to social etiquette. And please, if you feel you may have overstepped a boundary APOLOGIZE. There is nothing worse than making a hard topic worse or opening up a recently closed wound. Our parents taught us to be courteous, respectful, and polite. Don't forget that basics.

Off soapbox. Have a great day!

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