Monday, July 28, 2014

Lazy Weekend

Weekends with Hallie gone are soo quiet. We all are out of our element without her. Corbin took a 3 hour nap Saturday morning. Bored without his sister? I think so :) We didn't do much Saturday which was nice! Played and napped while Daddy worked!

Working on those muscles!

Daddy's mini-me? I think so!! I love it! 

 And sometimes he gets lazy and decides its easier to play with his feet :)

I also learned that Corbin has a bit of ornery in him! He rolled over to the plant. First he was just feeling it with his feet. Then he started grabbing it with his hands and pulling pieces off. He had a hand full when I pulled him away from it, told him no, and then he started crying! Heartbreaking!

Sunday we went to the fair. Again it just isn't the same without Bear. Corbin wasn't fond of the pigs squealing. He may have cried a little. But he LOVED the goats. Just his size and they were friendly. If one would jump up onto the fence he would reach out wanting to love on it. Adorable! It was decided we are definitely making a trip to "Uncle Steve's" orchard this fall! He will love to pet all the animals.We did a test run on the new car seat. He was excited about it, but we aren't so sure. It is definitely more difficult since he isn't a great sitter yet, but maybe this will help make him (and force us to make him!) do more sitting and become a little more stable.

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