Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day by day

Day by day. I try to live day by day. I am constantly reminding myself not to look into the future for it is a true unknown. I can't help myself. When I had Hallie, I had no fear. As a young first time mother, I never gave a thought to something going wrong. I was going to have a perfectly healthy baby. She was such an easy baby and so far a pretty easy kid too. My mother in law told me little Corbin wouldn't be the same and she was right. :) Corbin is a daily struggle. He is on his own timetable and will not allow me to push him. He has been different than Hallie is so many ways. She is a go getter, and he marches to his own tune. Things have to be just right in Hallie's world, and Corbin goes with the flow (this is where Hallie is much like her mother and Corbin much like his father!!). Hallie still challenges us with things like her sassy mouth and quick wit humor. She is a strong willed little girl. A quality that will serve her well in life, but makes it hard on her parents. So while I remind myself not to look anywhere but today, it is hard. For today I remind myself how blessed I am to have these two children. Many people struggle with infertility or never are given the chance to have children, I am blessed. God made me a mother for a reason. God is giving me these challenges knowing I can handle them. Some days I question whether God knows my true strength.

The best big sister ever!!

These smiles can literally brighten any one's day!

I think Corbin looks a lot like his Daddy in this picture!

Little man has been sick this week. We hoped the tubes would help, and they still might. He has fluid on his right ear and Dr. thought he had strep. Thankfully his test came back negative for strep. Cuddles, prayers and love (and antibiotics!) have been our week so far. On a good note, it was nice to spend 2 quality days with the kiddos. I only wish Corbin would have felt better so we could enjoy the beautiful days!

In other news Corbin is continuing to work on those core muscles that will allow him to sit, crawl, and everything else. Each day we sit for a few seconds longer than the previous day. We have figured out the remote and phones provide good encouragement for him to lean forward to balance that noggin of his! :)

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