Thursday, July 24, 2014

Life Lesson

I read something today that hit home hard....

"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, 
your actions louder than your words, 
and your faith stronger than your feelings." 

It was another one of those ah-ha moments where I realized that no matter what fear I have in the future, I still have today. Today I believe in my children, I trust, and I have faith. We have come such a long way in the last three months. We may have had to make sacrifices (and I am sure there is more to come), but at the end of the day family is all we have. We brought these kids into this world so we must do all we can to make their life as happy as possible. We wanted and prayed for these kids. God gave them to us to protect and guide through this crazy life. No matter what difficulty or hurdle we are faced with, someone else always has a bigger difficulty or a larger hurdle. For that we are blessed. My mom told me something that she was told when she was a kid in bible school. We always as "why" to God when faced with adversity, but we never ask "why" when God blesses us with good fortune. I had never thought about this before, but it is true. When we started this process with Corbin three months ago, all I could was ask why our baby? Why now? Haven't we been through enough? Never once did ask why did you give me the joy of pregnancy? Why did you give us such a wonderful miracle of a child? Why did you allow delivery to go so smoothly? It is all part of His plan. Being the control freak I am, I wish I had this plan in writing, but I don't. So until I can see the last page, I will keep going trusting He is taking me down the path I am to go.

Here are pictures from the last week showing some of Corbin's progress and new tricks!

I know I keep saying C's sitting is getting better slowly but surely, but I feel we have made significant progress keeping him forward and using those arms to support himself.

We got C a new car seat to try out getting ready for the next stage. His carrier is waayyy too heavy to carry these days. He was soooo excited and kept kicking his feet to feel the new fabric. I can't wait for him to be forward facing in the car so we can have all sorts of fun!

 We think we see a tiny bit of red hair on Corbin's little noggin. Adorable!! Grandpa Jon would be proud!

We have several items to work on for therapy. Reaching to the side for toys, continuing to get better at sitting, working on getting up on all fours, and strengthening core muscles. One way to help Corbin is to have him kneel against something. Hallie's stool is the PERFECT height! He is such a good sport about therapy, but when he has had enough he is done. I am so thankful he is mild tempered and accepts all the crazy things we make him to. It's all because we love him and want the best. We are sooo excited about the progress he has made over the last couple of weeks. It gives us hope for the future and maintains our faith.

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