Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Happy Belated 4th of July!

It is already July. The year is half over. I can't grasp this concept. Life seems to be going by far too quickly. Never enough hours in a day.

Tumba wumba!!! Love those cheeks!
We had a long 4th of July weekend and were able to get a lot crossed off our lists. Jon got projects done and continued, I was able to get the house, garage, and car cleaned, and Corbin got lots of naps in. Its amazing what we accomplished while Hallie was away :) We realized how much less chaotic and QUIET our house is without her. We would much rather have it the other way, I almost felt bored at times.

July 3 Corbin got his tubes. I was nervous because Hallie screamed the whole time waking up from anesthesia, not to mentioned the screaming before surgery because she was hungry. Corbin proved once again he is much more mild tempered than his sister. Jon had been playing with him before surgery, and I was feeling neglected so I took him from Jon. Within minutes Corbin was asleep in my arms. The nurse had come in to let us know they would be taking him in a few minutes and would put him on the bed. I decided to put him down to see if he would stay asleep (he did!). He slept while they took him, woke up briefly when they put him on the operating table, and quickly was back asleep with anesthesia. A half hour later they come wheeling the bed back into the room, and Corbin was laying there smiling and looking around. He inhaled a full bottle down and acted like nothing had happened. Happiest parents ever!

His thoughts on the situation? Maybe...
Before surgery
After surgery

Miss Hallie came home on Sunday. We were all so happy to see her, but I think Corbin won the prize for most excited. I love that they care for each other so much. I am thankful they get along so well (so far!) because the age difference was something we had all worried about. Hallie had an eventful week so she was exhausted when she got home. Daycare even made her take a nap yesterday.

Tomorrow is therapy in the morning and swimming lessons at night. Thankful these kids are learning and gaining new skills.

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