Friday, November 7, 2014

Go Baby Go!

Corbin is growing so fast! Even daycare has been noticing. I took a video of him tonight playing hide and seek with me behind the phone. He rubbing of the face/ears should have been a sign he was getting tired. Poor kid! Self feeding is going fabulous. He is even getting the hang of drinking from the sippy while sitting.

Some of you may have heard me talk about Corbin getting a "racecar". No Jon hasn't lost it. ;) Early Access (our in home therapy... aea for kids under 3 I believe) talked to us about a program called Go Baby Go based from the University of Delaware. It allows kids who aren't able to explore their environment and get the stimulation needed to develop a way to have those experiences. Here is the link of you want to read more. They said his will either be Mater or Lightning. We are excited to see how he responds and reacts to this!

 This is one type. It appears they are all slightly different based on the kid. The steering wheel becomes one big red button so all the child has to do is push that and they are free to explore (minus the need for someone to help steer or remove them from a wall they plowed into)!

We are loving Corbin's new way of "crawling". He has used a lot of thought to figure out how to get where he wants to go. We are trying to teach him a streamlined version to make him a little more efficient. Hopefully I can get this on video for you soon!

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