Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Blessings

Its been awhile since my last blog. I have had an emotional couple of weeks. My baby turned 1, I turned 27, and my bigger baby is quickly approaching 6.

Our sweet Corbin had his 1 year check up. He weighed in at 21 lbs 6 oz and 30 1/4 inches. He is definitely growing! :) I am not sure how we are going to feed this kid when he becomes a teenager. He is still progressing on his own terms. Such a strong willed child, he will do it when he wants to and is ready and not a minute before then. He honestly has the most even tempered personality of any kid I know. He really doesn't get angry and goes with the flow. To say we are lucky is an understatement.

It is no secret I have struggled with our circumstances on an almost daily basis. Believing life isn't fair, and I was dealt the wrong cards in life. Many nights I cry. I cry for Corbin's lack of normalcy so far in his life. I cry for the unfair treatment of our family by God. And then I have those clear days where I realize I am an idiot. God has given us so much, and I should truly be thankful. Who cares if Corbin isn't at the same place his peers are. It means I get to spend more time with him in that precious short lived baby stage. I realize I am selfish and unfair to those around me. Those with less than I or those with greater heartache.

Therapy continues to focus on developing Corbin's motor skills as those will help others areas such as communication and showing cognitive ability since many of the assessments are motor based.We are very thankful for the resources and team we have built around Corbin to ensure the best possible outcome for our little man.

Hallie continues to do well in school. We had parent teacher conferences and got an excellent report. Her bossy and loud voice has calmed down since the start of the year (but I am afraid she just uses it more at home now!). We are so proud of her. She has an amazing personality and reminds us daily why we can't sneak anything past her!

Have I mentioned that I seriously have the best husband?  I know he doesn't get commended enough, and I know I take him for granted, but honestly he is the best. He is there for us every day. He took on a big responsibility when we got married, and welcomed it with open arms. So much that he was ready for another blessing, and we were thankful to have Corbin. I had a migraine Saturday, and even though he had worked all day (and had to work the next day which was 7 day straight), he came home and took the kids outside to play so I could rest. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing man in my life.

Everything happens for a reason. This saying has been with me for a long time. While I have my doubts, it always seems to turn out exactly as that. I may doubt, I may fear, but life always has a funny way of working out.

Since I have been slacking lately... here is an overwhelming amount of pictures of our life in the last few weeks! :)

 OH Hallie and her fire hat!!                           And Corbin begging for food!
  Working on a big man sippy cup!                Sassy sister!
                          Begging for food...see a trend??    Hiding at Diane's house... how did he get in there??
                     Sister squeezing the crap out of brother! Waiting on his one year check up practicing standing!
 Out for mom's birthday!
 These two <3 Best of friends.

 Pick me up Momma!
 Ohhh what is in this basket I can destroy?!
 Again, I cannot believe how well they get along. It makes my heart melt into a million pieces!
 Beautiful fall days!!

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