Saturday, November 15, 2014

My baby is 6!!

Just a little late...

She is 6. My how time flies!! I remember it just like yesterday. It was a Tuesday night. I was overdue. I thought for sure this child would never enter the world. I checked into the hospital ready to get the show on the road. It was election night (Obama's first election...) so that was all that was on the tv. Tuesday came and went. The nurse promised me she would be here before her shift was over. Her shift came and went. Finally at 9:10 a.m. Wednesday morning our Hallie Michelle arrived weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. She perfect. Seriously the most perfect baby ever. Nothing wrong, never fussed, slept, ate. She was so easy! I thought for sure this is how she would be forever...

Fast forward 6 years and I have seriously the most emotional, moody, temperamental, sassy, thoughtful, caring little girl in the world. She is every personality rolled into one little body. Hallie is the sweetest thing to her brother (even thought she mentioned she wished he would go away forever on Sunday... I know this isn't true). We went shopping Saturday and hadn't made it to Des Moines yet when she was telling me how much she missed Bubby (Corbin). I am so thankful for the relationship she has with her brother. I was worried about the age difference but I am so blessed. At the same time she can go from mild tempered to full blown diva quicker than you can blink. A simple request by me or Jon can spiral her into a child we don't even recognize. And then 10 minutes later she is doing something without us asking. She is definitely the princess of the family :)

Hallie was without a doubt a major surprise. She wasn't part of the plan... quite yet anyway :) I was 20 when I found out I was pregnant and a sophomore in college. I was terrified. God had a plan. I met with my professor and made a plan. A plan I would stick to. I would head home and finish out my degrees in Creston at the Buena Vista center. I would finish, and I would graduate with my class. After 2 long years, lots of tears and lots of faith from my friends and family I walked with my graduating class with my biggest fan cheering me on.

Being a single mom to a little girl was more difficult than I could have ever imagined. I am thankful I had an amazing support system to get me through the rough days, and an awesome little girl no matter what. Hallie definitely made finding the perfect man even more important. I wouldn't settle for mediocre because not only did I deserve better, but she did as well.

 Jon came into our life at exactly the time we needed. Hallie was out of the baby stage, she was potty trained, and life was good. I had just finished up school and was very stable. He completed our little family. He was the missing piece. Again, I am so blessed at how well they got along and how well their relationship grew together. Most would never guess he wasn't always with us because their relationship is so incredibly strong.

I cannot wait to see where life takes this child (well I can - I am not ready for her to grow up!). She has so many qualities that will benefit her in life. I am so proud of the independence she has. (most days ha!) Teasing aside, she is a beautiful young lady and I couldn't imagine life without her! On to year 7!

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