Thursday, October 2, 2014

What a one-derful year it was!

February 10, 2013 - We had been discussing a mini getaway to Vegas. We had talked our friends, Adam & Alex, into going with us. It was exciting. I had never been to Vegas, and we were needing a vacation even if it was just a few days. Several months before we had decided we were ready to let our family grow. I had recently been to the Dr for some tests, one of which they checked to see if I was pregnant. The answer was no. So literally an hr after we booked the trip, I said to Jon we better make sure we aren't pregnant (we were leaving just 2 weeks later). He thought there was no way because the blood test had just said no. 5 tests later (after making a trip to Wal-Mart to get more) I had finally convinced my husband we were indeed having a baby.

May 21, 2013 - The ultrasound tech was getting all the body parts on picture. She has asked if we wanted to know the gender. We said of course! I said I thought it was a boy, Jon said he thought it was a girl because boys didn't happen very often in his family... about that time the ultrasound tech said well it looks like you are getting a boy!

September 30, 2013 - After contractions all weekend, I went in to have my labor augmented on Monday morning. I was having consistent contractions but no progress. The nurses all assured me I would have Chief on Monday, September 30.

October 1, 2013 - Corbin Jon Waters was born at 1:13 am and was perfect as he could possibly be. (he had to wait that extra hr and fifteen minutes to have an October birthday with his Mama!)

Fast forward... It has now been a year. And a long one! Corbin has had his shares of struggles. He screamed for the first 7 weeks of his life until the chiropractor and acid reflex meds finally saved him! Then came winter and his respiratory issues began. Then his ears. Then his developmental delays began appearing. Through all of this we have the happiest little guy. He is so easy going and content. He doesn't get angry (unless you don't feed him every couple of hours per his request). He loves everyone especially his sister. He has an usual fascination with hair, pulling hair, eating hair, touching hair.

We are so proud of him and all he has accomplished. We began therapy 4 months ago now. When we started, he wasn't good at holding his upper body up when placed on his belly. In fact he hated his belly. He wouldn't roll from his back to his belly. If you tried to sit him up, he immediately stiffened and threw himself backwards. Now he rolls wherever he needs to go until he figures out the whole crawling bit. He is getting stronger every day. We are working on standing, kneeling, and crawling. He is progressing so well and we couldn't be happier. Without our family, friends, doctors, and therapists fighting for Corbin none of this would be happening. We had a Dr who listened to our concerns, truly cared, and pushed for him to get the help and expertise he needed. We are so grateful. While we still have no "diagnosis", we will continue exhausting every test we can. So far all labs and genetic testing we have done have come back normal with the exception of his CK levels, AST, and ALT all being mildly elevated.

I took literally 80 pictures yesterday of the birthday boy. His personality is really starting to come out now. He has new faces daily. He LOVES snacks now and is beginning to self feed more and more every day. He is about 21 1/2 pounds, has 4 teeth through and working on the next 4. We can't wait to see what next year has in store for this little guy. We know he is going to accomplish big things! Happy birthday Corbin Jon! We are so lucky to be called your parents!

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