Sunday, October 5, 2014

A week of firsts!

First and foremost I apologize for the picture overload!!

Two days before Corbin's first birthday we took our first overnight trip away from him. The only reason I convinced my husband this was acceptable was because we were going to a MONDAY NIGHT CHIEFS GAME! Multiple reasons it was awesome, but most importantly it was the first game I had been to that the Chiefs actually won! :) It was a lot of fun to say the least!

Corbin is one now, and we survived our first night away. It was nice to have time with just my husband. With little people around us all the time, sometimes we get buried into being a mom and a dad and push being a husband and a wife to the back burner. I truly believe it is important for us to find those precious moments alone to remember all the reasons we first fell in love. Without that our family would be nothing. I can honestly say I don't know where I would be without Jon. He is my rock. Things have changed a lot from when I first met him but only for the better.

A few party pictures!! I didn't get as many as I had hoped (it always goes that way!). We were especially happy that Corbin was willing to dig into his cake. Just days before his party he decided it was okay to start feeding himself. This helped tremendously in ensuring a good smashed cake! :) Just one more reminder that he is improving daily, and we are so very blessed!

My best friend Courtney had a little girl just 7 weeks before Corbin was born. It is so neat to see them interact, but looking at them you would think there was a 6 month age difference! :) Look out Courtney & Logan... you have a smart and beautiful little girl! I know you would be chasing those boys away left and right!!

 Oh this little guy... I apologize for no pictures of Hallie. Corbin and I get to spend Wednesdays together while Hallie is in school. I try very hard not to work too much around the house and instead get to spend time working playing with Corbin! :) He loves his ride on puppy he got for his birthday from Grandma. His facial expressions are hilarious. But he is getting more stable on it every day. I am excited to see him using his own strength to pull himself forward and stay upright. He loves looking over the front when the lights and sounds are flashing. The little daredevil will hold onto the handle kick his feet up off the ground and lean backwards (like he is riding a bull). He makes me nervous, but I never am more than a foot away. His balance is improving, but he tends to throw himself off when he is done :)

 Holding an object in BOTH hands! Hooray... little victories!!

Self feeding is getting better daily. He had two full pancakes this morning. We have had spaghetti messes, veggies, fruits, and lots of snacks. I think he enjoys not having to wait on us to give him more bites! And after a couple of mishaps he is learning to only put one piece in at a time.

Okay one last update and I am off to bed. We spoke with the neurologist again. He is as baffled as we are. He wishes he could give us an answer, but reminded us it isn't that easy. At this point we have done as many tests as he sees fit. There are a couple more tests we can do down the road. Our game plan now is to continue therapy and working with Corbin as much as possible. He is making progress and not regressing which is extremely important. The next tests are more invasive such as a muscle biopsy. The Dr. doesn't want to put Corbin through that yet and said we might not see anything at this point. Usually characteristics they look for don't show up until around 2 or 3. There are a couple of other small tests we will do in the Spring when we go back for a follow up. I am frustrated. I want answers. However from another stand point maybe this is good. Corbin isn't "bad off." Our situation could be so much worse. If it was the Dr. would be much more aggressive instead of taking the wait and see approach. We aren't going back until April, and we will continue progressing.  We will not let this define who he is. He is Corbin. The happiest most loving little boy we could have ever imagined holding in our arms!

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