Thursday, September 18, 2014

Catching up

I haven't posted for awhile. Things have been hectic. Here is a photo story of what we have been doing the last 10 days or so...

Corbin has been working on the same things. Kneeling, crawling position, trying to get him to self feed, working on grabbing objects with both hands. As you can see he can grab his sister's hair just fine and pull! :)

Always has to check out what's on the tv!

Hallie has taken up arrow shooting :)

Corbin feeling sorry for the Hawks for losing!! :)

But super happy the Cyclones won!!

The Hallie duo at homecoming!

Last weekend was homecoming. Hallie was ecstatic to learn she was nominated to be one of the homecoming crown bearers! Here are a few photos of that fun experience!

Her and the little boy!
 Hallie and her teacher
 All the beautiful girls she couldn't stop talking about!

Her true colors! :)

Little man got his first goose egg. He rolled into Hallie's dresser.

I cannot believe how BIG he is getting!!

Not much new to report. I could not be prouder of my kids. Hallie is doing very well in school. She loves her teachers, classmates, and everyone. I am so thrilled that I do not have to fight for her to go to school. She is learning so many new things and my heart is so happy for her! Corbin is continuing to grow stronger. We are working on the next step of crawling. We feel he wants to so bad. He will pull his knees under himself and push up, but can't get his arms and legs to coordinate. Oh I guess we do have some news... We finally heard from Iowa City. So far all his extensive blood panels have come back normal. So we have ruled a lot of things out on our path to a reason for his delays, but we aren't anywhere close as to getting a cause. While we are happy to hear everything is normal, we are still hoping to find what is causing his Ck levels to be elevated as well as his delays. We want the best for the little guy, and we will keep searching until we get an answer.

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