Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I didn't do a Thanksgiving post where I repeated everything I am thankful for. I am very thankful, but I feel I should say it on other days as well.

First a foremost my husband, my rock. Without him I would be a train wreck. As crazy as he drives me, he makes me completely sane at the same time. I am thankful every single day that he entered my life at exactly the time it was meant to be.

My kids. Again I have no idea where I'd be without them. Hallie made me grow up quick. I learned how to truly be independent, a trait I passed on to her. Corbin is teaching me the value of patience and letting go of my OCD tendencies :)

My family and friends. Again I have no idea where I'd be without them. They provide ears to listen to my concerns. Shoulders to cry on. And tell me when I am being just plain dumb. I appreciate everything they have done from helping me raise Hallie to moving me to where life led me to standing by me through every life change. Most of my family and friends aren't near physically, but I hope each and every one of you reading this know how important you are to me. While life has changed, I truly never want our relationships to change.

My job. This is an odd one. I am thankful for a employer that understands family comes first. Whether it is a sick kid or a kids class party or needing more time to work with Corbin, they have been awesome at allowing me the time I need.

Obviously there is so much more. Thankful for a roof over my hand, a vehicle for transportation, food in the fridge, money in the bank, etc. But ultimately I am thankful God has provided me with the opportunities he has. Sometimes I may question what his plan is for me, but I am learning that every door shut led me to exactly where I was meant to be. Everything happens for a reason. And if God gives me more than I can handle, he will give me a husband, kids, family, and friends and a community that will help me handle it :)

I am thankful.

Here are some photos from Thanksgiving weekend (I apologize there aren't any of Hallie. She has a 4 day break from home. We missed her very much but it makes us appreciate her help that much more!)

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