Tuesday, January 6, 2015

15 months!

Excuse me what? Yes... Corbin is now 15 months as of New Year's day. Time is FLYING!!

We are seeing some new talents developing with Corbin. His personality and temperament is starting to show. He is finally showing some frustration and anger when he can't do something. This is a good problem to have! He is still dragging his body as his form of crawling. He acts like he wants to sit himself up, but he isn't quite there yet. We have been continuing to work on getting on all fours, pulling himself up, balancing standing both facing furniture and away from furniture. His angry face...

New this week... working on the fine motor skill of holding utensils! He is doing well with this, and it makes me happy. Now if we could get him to accept hard spout sippy cups or straw cups, feeding would be easy peasy! He chews on his sippy cups like his paci, except it is ruining the cups and making them leak.

His 15 month stats: 22.7 lbs (48%) and 31.5 inches (60%). Perfection. Pediatrician was very happy with his progress in the growth department as well!!

Again it is so nice to have someone who hasn't seen Corbin for awhile see the changes. She is very happy with the progress he is making. He gave he lots of laughs and giggles as he ripped paper today (and let out some toots!). She thought his movements were much more controlled and intentional. The tightness she once felt in his legs isn't there anymore. Progress!!

Here are some photos from the last month (since I am a slacker!!)

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