Monday, June 23, 2014

The Unknown

My biggest fear in life is the unknown. What lies ahead? What surprise will life hand us next? What will my children be when they grow up? How will Hallie tolerate Kindergarten? When will Corbin start walking? The unknown is beginning to eat me alive.

Just when I thought things were getting better, the Dr. called. Corbin has been doing fabulous this week!!! He is sitting up for a couple minutes at a time. Most kids start sitting by supporting themselves with their arms in front. Not Corbin. Corbin went from laying to sitting and playing with toys at the same time. No wonder its taken him so long!! :) He also started accepting chunky foods. We have been doing oatmeal in the mornings, and then trying 3rd foods at night. Before this week, the 3rd foods would cause the gag and vomit reaction due to the chunks. He also has ate 2 puffs without gagging. This my friends is called progress.

I had finally started feeling like the extra attention and therapy were finally getting us somewhere. The elevated CK levels have still loomed over us. The Neurologist called today. He finally received Corbin's MRI results. He was pleased that everything look normal on the report. We discussed WHY the CK levels are still elevated. He doesn't believe its muscular dystrophy, but does believe something is causing this. Our next steps are genetic testing. Testing of Corbin's chromosomes to see if he has missing ones or extra ones of if everything there is normal as well. If the genetic tests turn up normal, we will start more detailed blood work to try to find the underlying cause. He said luckily Corbin's numbers do not indicate degenerative diseases, and that he does not appear to have low muscle tone. But that unfortunately, his numbers are too high to just be ignored. Bummer. I like the playing oblivious idea much better.

So yet again the overwhelming number of prayers begin. I hope and pray that by some miracle his CK levels come down to the normal range, and that whatever results we get show that Corbin will always be my happy and healthy baby.

Thank God for amazing family and friends for sticking with us through all this. I know our situation could be much worse, but it still is difficult. We all want the best for our children, and its difficult when situations are out of our control. So for everyone that has given us hope and sent prayers our way, thank you. From the bottom of our heart we truly appreciate it. 

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