Friday, June 13, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

This weekend is Father's Day, and I have been blessed to know so many wonderful fathers. Yesterday was also Friday the 13th. A double whammy of memories for me.

My dad earned his wings on Friday, October 13, 2006. He was such an amazing Dad. When I was Hallie's age, I did anything to be with my Dad. I went to work and sat in the back of the parts room putting nuts and bolts together because it meant I got to spend time with him. I let my Mom shove cotton balls in my ears because it meant I got to go to the races with my Dad. He taught me so much through the years. I learned the value of a dollar, and the value of honesty. I learned that honesty was more important than a dollar. I learned hard work paid off in the end. We didn't always see eye to eye. Too much alike? Perhaps. I regret those arguments and fights today. I was an ignorant teenager who took for granted the life I was given. I would give anything to change the past, but I know he has found his peace in Heaven. Happy Father's Day Dad!

Teaching Hallie to tie her shoes!
My husband... best... father... ever! Hallie was 2 when we began dating. The first time he met her and saw me as a Mother "he knew he had fallen in love." I knew he was the one when I saw him interact with Hallie. He is the perfect combination of fun and play but also tough love. Nothing is better than when he gets home and hearing Hallie's feet hitting the ground as she runs to the door "Daddy's home!" Hallie too will have the same fond memories of doing anything she could to spend time with Dad. She puts on her rubber boots and work gloves to help him in the yard. While we were working on our house she would beg to get a ride in the skid steer. If Dad gets a call into work, Hallie is headed to the door for her shoes too. Dad's going golfing? Say what? Hallie wants to go too! And then our little man came.... Don't even get me started. The love the shows went to a whole new levels. He is so patient with the baby, especially when I'm not. He changes diapers, feeds, plays, calms, you name it. Except bathe. We haven't gotten that far!! :)
Holding Corbin Jon for the first time!

I look at the picture of him holding his son for the first time, and it brings tears to my eyes. Seeing the love is amazing. Thank you Mom for capturing such a beautiful moment!!

I have also been blessed with a wonderful father-in-law. My husband is sometimes too much like his father. :) My mother-in-law and I enjoy telling stories about those "quirks" that drive us nuts. I knew I had chosen a good man after meeting his parents. They possess the qualities that I wanted in a husband, and thankfully they passed those remarkable traits on to him. Honest, hard working, and respectful. Perfect match.

For all of you hard working Dads and Grandpas, thank you for all you do! We truly love and appreciate all that you do to help grow our children into the wonderful adults we hope for them to be!

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