Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Diva

This post will be about Hallie (since she gets slighted)...

Boy oh boy do we have a diva!! She is such a fun spirited loving little girl all wrapped up in a sassy feisty little body. It amazes me. Her quick wit and humor is to die for. She is going to be a very strong, independent woman. I am already too proud to explain.

She is so glad to be back from Christmas break (even though no school tomorrow). We had a rough December. Some naughty choices coupled with some unexpected accidents made a very long month. We are hoping her year is off to a better start. She recently learned how to make her own supper (a taco...aka soft shell with melted cheese and ranch). She couldn't be prouder. She informed us she no longer needs us. Boo. We reminded her of everything she still needs us for just so she doesn't get any big ideas!

She is a nut... here is proof...

But honestly the best big sister ever. Here is yet another video of the whoopie cushion day (and quite possibly my favorite because she makes sure to catch him at the end and he even tries to hug her back!)

And here is photos of her last month...

Merry Christmas!

Another written but never published post... better late than never!!

Merry Christmas from the Waters' clan! We hope you all had a very merry day filled with love and laughter! We had were so excited for the kids to get up on Christmas morning and tear into their presents. Hallie was so excited, but terrified to come out of her room in case she wasn't supposed to. The let us sleep in until 7:30. Santa was very good to the kids which must mean the kids were very good. Corbin loved the wrapping paper. He would squeal every time we tore off a chunk. I can't wait until next year when hopefully he can do the tearing himself.

Since I didn't get Christmas cards out this year, consider this your Christmas card....

Seasons greetings from our family to yours. It has been a roller coaster of a year so far, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon! Life is a roller coaster, take the good and the bad all in one. We have so much to be thankful for, and this time of year makes it all click together.

Hallie is 6 now. She is quite the princess. Someone told us not to call her bossy but rather a play organizer. How true! Hallison (as she likes to be called) has such an amazing personality. She can be so loving and sweet and so sassy and quick witted. She keeps us on our toes. This year she started Kindergarten. We were worried how the teachers would get along. We knew she would be fine :) It has been proven once again that Hallie can handle whatever comes her way. She has learn to adapt to the new rules and structure and is doing very well. We are so proud of her! She loves books, music, pretend play, being a sister, and driving her parents crazy. Maybe just mainly me. Her and I are too much alike it seems! She is going through a growth spurt. As you will see in our family pictures, I fear not too many more years before she catches me on height. She is still a toothpick. On a good day we can get her weighed in a 45 pounds. Not too many more years before C catches her on weight!

Corbin is almost 15 months old. He is the total opposite of his sister. He has such a calm and relaxed personality. He goes with the flow... generally... unless you are trying to do physical therapy and then his temper comes out. He is a lot like his Daddy, and we are thankful for that. He is growing like a week. Up to 23 pounds we think. He has his 15 month check up and shots in a couple weeks so we will get the official stats on him. Corbinator is really trying to get moving. He is very good about dragging his body where he needs to go. He really tries to push up onto his knees, but his body just won't quite let him. He is also going to have his first meeting with a speech therapist in January. He babbles, but no words. No mama or dada yet so it is time to get started on that as well. We are so lucky to have such a great team of doctors, therapists, family and friends built around this little guy so he will reach his full potential.

Jon and I are doing well. Not much to report here. We get older by the day and more gray by the day as well! We are continuing to try to balance work, play and kids. Who knew life would be so rough? This makes us appreciate our parents even more! Another wonderful year in the books! Enjoy some Christmas photos because it took forever to get these crazy pictures of the kids!

 This animation shows how many problems we had.... :)

  What are we supposed to do?
 Oh big eyes...
 Cheesy grins!
 This is fun sister!
Let go of me!

Okay lets give Mom & Dad one good picture to keep their sanity. Merry Christmas!

15 months!

Excuse me what? Yes... Corbin is now 15 months as of New Year's day. Time is FLYING!!

We are seeing some new talents developing with Corbin. His personality and temperament is starting to show. He is finally showing some frustration and anger when he can't do something. This is a good problem to have! He is still dragging his body as his form of crawling. He acts like he wants to sit himself up, but he isn't quite there yet. We have been continuing to work on getting on all fours, pulling himself up, balancing standing both facing furniture and away from furniture. His angry face...

New this week... working on the fine motor skill of holding utensils! He is doing well with this, and it makes me happy. Now if we could get him to accept hard spout sippy cups or straw cups, feeding would be easy peasy! He chews on his sippy cups like his paci, except it is ruining the cups and making them leak.

His 15 month stats: 22.7 lbs (48%) and 31.5 inches (60%). Perfection. Pediatrician was very happy with his progress in the growth department as well!!

Again it is so nice to have someone who hasn't seen Corbin for awhile see the changes. She is very happy with the progress he is making. He gave he lots of laughs and giggles as he ripped paper today (and let out some toots!). She thought his movements were much more controlled and intentional. The tightness she once felt in his legs isn't there anymore. Progress!!

Here are some photos from the last month (since I am a slacker!!)